Pharmabelle 杜松排水塑身油 100ml
- 以精油特別混製,促進細胞新陳代謝,刺激循環系統,幫助排毒去水,保持肌膚緊緻及彈性。可供全身使用或針對有需要的部位。
- 注意:不適合孕婦使用。
Pharmabelle Juniper Contouring Body Oil 100ml
- This special blend of essential oils stimulates cell metabolism and circulatory system to facilitate the draining and detoxifying process while keeping your skin supple and firm.
- It is a pleasant massage oil for the whole body or special areas of concern.
- Preservatives, sulphates, colourants & alcohol free. Against animal test.
- Caution: Not suitable during pregnancy.