OPI 無光澤補強營養劑 15ml
OPI 無光澤補強營養劑含最高加強蛋白磨砂配方作隱形的保護。適合男士和女士使用,喜歡完全自然的指甲外觀。可以當作護理產品或底油使用。
- 如果單獨使用 OPI 無光澤補強營養劑 ,沒有上指甲油 - 在清潔的乾指甲上塗兩層
- 每隔一天塗上一次
- 一星期後, 用洗甲水去除營養劑及指甲油
- 重覆步驟
OPI NAIL ENVY Matte 15ml
Added calcium and protein builds manicure-ready nails that are harder, longer, and stronger than ever before. All Nail Envy nail strengthener products can be used as a stand-alone treatment or as a base coat alternative underneath your favorite OPI Nail Lacquer.
- If wearing Nail Envy alone without nail color on top - apply two coats to clean, dry nails with cuticles pushed back
- Followed by one coat every other day.
- After one week, use any OPI Polish Remover to remove all Nail Envy and Nail Lacquer, if present